Shipping Cost Estimator

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This is an estimate as prices can change and available methods shown here may not reflect what is offered at checkout. Here and at checkout prices are received from UPS & USPS. Rates, fees gas prices, location and weights/boxs can affect these rates.
All orders (with the exception of orders including MiniMintage items) typically ship within 1-10 business days of receipt of cleared funds. In times of heavy demand, fulfillment times may be slightly longer. We are a mint and manufacture nearly all items on the website with the exception of sovereign mint products and few others. We have the metal in house, your order is locked-in and guaranteed. You will be notified by email as soon as your package(s) ships. The email will include a tracking number(s), and from that point on you can follow the package’s location, progress, estimated delivery date, and shipping notifications. If you do not receive your shipment within 10 days after receiving the shipped email with the tracking number in it you should contact Golden State Mint.
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