Is Silver Per Ounce Worth More than Facebook?

silver per ounce worthWith the release of Facebook to the public, many want to know if it is a good investment, however there are still other options on the market that are more viable. In years past, silver has continued to rise at a fairly steady rate, while slower than some investments it is pretty stable. Because Facebook showed up overnight and essentially took over the social media market, it is expected that in the near future something is going to come along and take over Facebook as well. Sitting at a value of about $100 billion, it is almost hard to fathom the actual value of Facebook, but it is still not a great investment because of the fact that it’s value could diminish over night when something better comes along. In the ware of precious metals like silver per ounce worth versus Facebook, the face value of social media may be higher, but the investment is still better in silver.


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