Where Should You Store Silver Rounds?

So you’ve made your first investment in silver rounds. But now, where do you keep them?

One good way to store silver rounds would be placing the rounds in tubes and sealing the lid to keep them from coming loose.  This also prevents the elements from getting inside the tubes and causing any form of corrosion or tarnish

But of course, choosing the perfect place to store your new silver rounds is of personal preference. Safety deposit boxes are rarely used by the serious silver investor due to the accessibility of being monitored by the government in times of need. Over time people have even buried their savings in various places inside and out of their homes (although this method would definitely not be for everyone). These savings were often forgotten and left behind when the families move or pass away, leaving a valuable treasure for the next owner to find.

The most favorable place to store the silver rounds is in your own home using a bolted, multiple lock safe for extra security. Keeping this safe in the basement, preferably bolted to the floor, will make it even harder to locate and take for a thief. While there is no guarantee of keeping your valuables entirely secure from theft, these choices will hinder their attempts. Installing a safe that is fireproof and waterproof is also imperative to keeping your assets safe from unexpected circumstances.

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