Customer Testimonials

Ordered two rounds a silver standing liberty and a copper SL. Came very well packed and the rounds in slips. Beautiful quality and very shiny and detailed. Will buy again. Great deal.


Ordered two rounds a silver standing liberty and a copper SL. Came very well packed and the rounds in slips
Beautiful quality and very shiny and detailed. Will buy again. Great deal.


The service offered by GSM is superior to every other precious metal supplier. Even more impressive is GSM's dedication to spread truth and wisdom. For this reason I'll be continually supporting Silver Shield and have been impressed with everyone I've had contact with from GSM.
Keep up the amazing effort!

G from OZ

This June 2018 will be one year I have been purchasing from GSM. I have not had any issues with packaging or delays in shipment or lost packages. Great job GSM and keep up the good work. Purchasing precious metals through online retailers should be an easy and friendly process. Any company that can deliver good service will always retain customers. GSM Rocks!


Just received my order today awesome my wife loved it all especially the 5 Oz walking liberty thanks again.


It certainly is a pleasure when one can call GSM , and within seconds, be speaking with the owner himself.
Jim took a genuine interest in my ideas, we chatted for almost an hour,and shared our visions regarding my business as well as his.
It is refreshing to speak with someone who cares deeply about his company and the feelings of his customers. Keep up the good work Jim!

Don Nb Canada

I just love the strikes that I have purchased from GSM!
Everything you offer is perfect. The price can't be beat. GSM offers better prices than some of the other bullion companies. Keep up the excellent work!

Randall H.

Golden State Mint is a great company to buy precious metals from. They do what they say and offer great personal service. I have been a customer for years and enjoy using them!

Anonymous Buyer

Second to none when it comes to shipping securely and discreetly. Boxes arrive enclosed in post office plastic bubble-wrapped envelope. Quality and customer service is beyond expectations.

Dave in Phoenix

I've purchased from APMEX, MoneyMetalsExchange, MilesFranklin & Provident all in the past. Have frequented your site numerous times in the past but never pulled the trigger. I must say, after today, I will be making more purchases from GSM! Love the site, love the deals, and THANK YOU for offering the military discount; can't wait to apply it on a future purchase.

Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, God Bless You.


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