Customer Testimonials

We had never ordered precious metals before. We considered ordering from Goldline but didn't really feel comfortable with it. I did some online research and found Golden State Mint. Their products were beautiful and their prices were spectacular.
Andrew was very kind & patient with all of my questions. His father, Jim handled the details of our second order and he was just as patient & understanding as Andrew.
Such a pleasure to do business with. We will order again and recommend them to everyone!
Melva P
Happy Customer

Melva P

When I needed basic information as a new investor, Jim patiently helped me through my "basic" questions. When I had questions about security and reliability, Jim explained policies/procedures in a fashion that engendered confidence. His personal principles shine through, in the way he describes his Company and his Family. I trust Jim and look forward to doing business with him into the future. Oh, did I mention ... the freshly minted Silver rounds I buy from GSM are always perfect and delivered as promised ... Thanks Jim !!!

Craig P

Craig P

I could not be any happier with the service, pricing and attention to detail I have gotten from Jim and Andrew Pavlakos. They are top notch professionals, running a world class operation. Thank you so much for everything!

Chris Duane

Jim and Andrew @ Golden State Mint have taken purchasing precious metals to a new standard of professional, courteous customer service and offer a brilliant, flawless product.

Kim A.

I just received my order and wanted to say thanks for a smooth transaction. I did business with you and your father a few years ago (at the time very new and a bit ignorant about PM's) and wanted to follow up with this; after seeing other mints rounds and getting more experience in the community, I have to say that your mint stands out among the rest. The quality and craftsmanship is bar none a cut above.
Thanks for an honest exchange, I look forward to doing more of the same in the future. Give my regards to Jim.


I received my order very quickly. The quality is wonderful. You made the whole event easy. Thanks,
you certainly impressed me.

Terry W.

I can,t think of a better experience in purchasing over the internet than your personal involvement in working with me on my recent silver conversion. Your walking me through each step of the process from my sending to my receiving went like clockwork. I think what impressed me most is your attitude toward customer service.You left me with the feeling you would bend over backward to please me. I am very happy with the product I received.


"I just wanted to tell you that we received the two parcels of silver. My son called me at work to describe the packaging. When I came home, he greeted me with two specimens of the Indian/Buffalo round (one was from another mint). He only showed me the Obverse of each and, without knowing which was which, I chose the Golden State Mint round without hesitation - the mint quality was obviously far superior.

Most respectfully, my son and I thank you both for an excellent product, a surprising turnaround time, and a parcel packaging that demonstrates care and professionalism. You have all my future silver business."

Chris M.

"I have been doing business with Golden State Mint and they are one of our preferred dealers for precious metals.

This week we want to feature their fractional ounce silver products. However, they can provide almost any precious metals product. Being a mint they can also turn bullion bars into rounds if you so desire. I have done so in the past, and am presently working on a Silver Investor round. Dealing directly with the Mint enables you to eliminate the middlemen. Get more value for your dollar and receive your product faster!

The Golden State Mint is a full-service mint. They melt, extrude, and strike silver rounds on site daily! With their high-volume production facility they are enabled to provide customers with the most competitive pricing and fastest deliveries in the industry. They have been in the business of precious metals, refining and minting for over 30 years, and will give you total reliability and confidence."

David Morgan

"I received the remainder of the silver yesterday without event. Looking over the whole process I am amazed at both the quality of the product and the quality and speed of the service! Obviously, silver will not stay fresh and bright forever, but becomes toned with exposure to the environment. But those tarnished bars (at least I imagine them being heavily toned, if they are like the ones I have seen) from the Scotia Mocatta depository in Jamaica, NY have now begotten all these sparkling new rounds. I remember when I saw my first 1,000 rounds... I was stunned that one could get that many discs out of one Comex bar. Of course, I know that a 1,000-oz bar yields 1,000 1-oz rounds, but when you look at the pile of rounds, it doesn't seem possible that they could be cut from just that one big bar.

Andrew told me that once my silver was out of the warehouse in Jamaica, I wouldn't have a thing to worry about. You have proven Andrew correct. Thanks for taking superb care of me. The LORD make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you."

H.E. of Raleigh, NC

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