Customer Testimonials

"I wanted to thank Golden State Mint for a perfect first time buyers experience. Speaking with Jim was great and he was very helpful and ensured a quick delivery. My rounds came as expected, beautiful and on time in only a few days.

This was as simple and stress free as it gets and I will for sure be looking to conduct future business with you. Thanks again for running a great product and company."


Hi Jim and Andrew, My last shipment is all in. You guys are the best!
Customer service is OUTSTANDING !!!!!
Thanks for everything you do.


I am very pleased with my order from GSM they are very fast with there shipping once payment is received. The quality of there product is second to none I would recommend there services to any one, they may do many large orders, however they pay an extreme amount detail to all there orders, my one oz buffalo's are just brilliant. GSM produces a magnificent product at a relatively low price I payed .89 cents over spot for the product for shipping, and peace of mind, I will continue to do business with Jim and Andrew in the future.


Received my shipment this afternoon and it is BEAUTIFUL!
Very nicely packed too. A pleasure doing business with you.

John M.

Received my silver order on Tuesday. This was my first purchase, ever, of a precious metal. The rounds are beautiful and I like the plastic storage containers.

Kevin D.

I received the package on Sat.

It is good to have GSM as my source I appreciate how you do business.

Thanks for your great service, see you on the next dip.


I received the recent purchase of 200 silver rounds. You guys do an excellent job, and I hope to do much more business will you. Thanks so much!

Phil R.

I received the order - two packages - and am delighted with your service.
Many thanks!


The silver arrived today and the quality is very good. Thank You!

Dave K.

I want to thank you for helping me with my purchase. Your service, price, and product are outstanding, and I will be happy to refer people to you.

It was a real pleasure doing business with you. Many thanks!

Angelo C.

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