Customer Testimonials

Very impressed by the speed it took to be delivered to Australia, delivered and ordered with in the same week. At first I was a bit nervous from ordering overseas - but i am very impressed by the quality.

Anti NWO

Service was excellent. It was my first time buying from the Golden State Mint. I sent an email and also made a phone call in regards to the coins I purchased. The customer service was awesome! Answered all my questions. It was well packaged. They even threw in a little gift, a copper coin and it was nice! Unless it was put in by mistake, lol. Hope to be buying again from them real soon! a++++++ seller

Albert D

Good pricing, and seems to arrive in Australia sooner than from local sellers.


Easy to use website. Secure ordering. Fast shipping. Very clear and self explanatory prices. And great prices at that. Cant beat buying direct, and you cant beat buying from Golden State Mint. I should know, this is my 3rd order in 3 months. GSM FTW


Just received my shipment of beautiful 1oz silver
Morgan rounds. In these turbulent times in the metals markets I can always count on Golden State Mint. I have been a life long customer and you should too. Thanks again.

Fred in Gainesville, Florida

This company has the best customer service. They have done an outstanding job during the silver frenzy. I called customer service to change my address and they were super friendly despite being swamped. A great trustworthy company to deal with.

Virginia McClure

I,ve been ordering 3 days before the lockdown and Golden State Mint made it!!!
Thank you so much- best regards from Switzerland-
K. Andres

K. Andres

Best 10 oz bars by far.


Golden State Mint is a solid bet. The best place to preserve wealth. Precious metal orders are quick easy and arrive without hassle. Customer service is beyond reproach. Have ordered products multiple times and never disappointed always satisfied.


my order arrived good secure packing very happy

Carlos f

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